Men of Yoga 2009 Calendar – Update

If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you know I had the tremendous privilege and difficult task last year of photographing some incredible men in yoga poses for a calendar. Let me tell ya, it isn’t easy photographing awesome guys in strange poses for so long AND directing them how to pose… But hey, someone had to do it:D

Well, the good news is there are still Men of Yoga 2009 Calendars available at Indigo yoga studio in downtown Moline, on clearance now for $12.50! (Yay!!!) You can also get the calendars from yours truly. (Double Yay!!!)

If you already have a calendar, then make sure you have one in every room in the house. I’m a big believer in not having to leave the room if someone calls and asks if you’re free on such and such a date…so more reason to have a calendar, especially one you can look at and imitate yoga moves. It can’t hurt as long as you DON’T attempt the cover pose for your first yoga move! Besides, if you’re a football or basketball player, or a biker or attorney or doctor or teacher or writer or photographer or auto mechanic or chiropractor or consider yourself just plain human, yoga will do wonders for your life. I know – I’ve been a yogi for 4 years and there is nothing more wonderful than doing a simple peaceful calming meditation pose in the midst of stressful people.

OK, enough of my babbling. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Men of Yoga 2009 calendar, here’s a preview of what’s inside:

Shannon, Men of Yoga Cover Model & Awesome Instructor

Shannon, Men of Yoga Cover Model & Awesome Instructor

Lars, Mr. June

Lars, Mr. June

Joe, Mr. August

Joe, Mr. August

Evan, Mr. September

Evan, Mr. September

Jeff, Mr. October

Jeff, Mr. October

Ron, Mr. November

Ron, Mr. November

Labyrinths of Iowa

imageI had an exciting opportunity last summer and fall to photograph various labyrinths throughout the state for The Iowan magazine, which is now out in the latest issue in an article called Contemplating the Landscape written by Iowa City writer Emily Grosvenor. The assignment took me to Hubbard in central Iowa, Hiawatha just outside Cedar Rapids, and the botanical gardens in Waterloo.

In Hubbard, I met Mary Dreier who runs a spiritual retreat on her farm called Soul of the Prairie, and learned about building a labyrinth. I saw Prairie Woods, which has a labyrinth nestled in the edge of the forest of the Hiawatha retreat, and serves a quiet place of reflection and meditation. And then there were the lawnmower men, Stan McCadam and Manley Orum, who have dedicated many hours at Cedar Valley Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Waterloo to carve a labyrinth from their lawnmowers. It was a great experience to see how much work, time, history and dedication went into creating these labyrinths as well as appreciating their beauty, simplicity and the calming essence they have on those who come use them. Here’s an inside glimpse of the  magazine story, which you can read by clicking on the preview below:

The Iowan magazine - Jan/Feb 2009 issue

The Iowan magazine - Jan/Feb 2009 issue