Sarah & Ross ~ Iowa City Engagement Experience

IOWA CITY, Ia. – Meeting someone at a bar – especially someone you don’t know – can be met with a degree of skepticism and uncertainty. But Sarah and Ross are proof that good things can result. In this case the location was at Joe’s Place in downtown Iowa City. Both were with different groups of friends. Then, Sarah approached Ross and started talking to him.

Obviously something clicked because that was more than 3 years ago. Now they are in the midst of a busy, exciting year that includes Ross finishing his graduate work in microbiology at the University of Iowa, planning their wedding, a honeymoon and moving to the Twin Cities (where Ross was accepted for a post-doc).

In the midst of the craziness, they had time to reflect on why they are perfect for each other. Ross: …after hanging out during our first summer together and taking a couple small trips, I knew that I loved her.

Sarah, though, came to that realization during the most random of times. I remember shopping for supper in Hy-Vee one night and looking over at him and knowing right there that I loved him. It took all I had not to just blurt it out in that moment, but I managed because I knew it would have freaked him out. 🙂

They are a lot of fun to be around and, might I add – so darn cute together!

I’m so looking forward to their big day in October! Much congrats to you both!!


Cover Photo in American Cancer Society’s National Magazine

In early January I met Lynn Nguyen in downtown Iowa City who shared with me how normal her life has been – with one “real” eye.

She was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a cancer that resulted in doctors removing her right eye when she was only 1.5 years old. Soon after she got a prosthetic eye – what she’s had all of her life.

As a senior last year at Iowa City High School Lynn was applying for scholarships and saw one offered by the American Cancer Society. She applied, and won a $1,000 scholarship. Lynn told me all this in a very matter-of-fact way: This is how it is, no big deal (except the scholarship money, of course).

But the ACS was so impressed with Lynn it featured her on the cover for a story about young survivors of childhood cancer in its current issue of Triumph. It’s the ACS official magazine for donors who give at least $250 annually, and is sent three times a year to more than 300,000 people nationwide.

I was THRILLED to photograph the story. And this past week, Lynn and I were excited to get our copies of the magazine in the mail.

Cover of Spring 2010 Triumph magazine

Inside, pgs. 14-15

pg. 16

Pg. 16

Over her Thanksgiving break Lynn had surgery so the tissue behind her old prosthetic could heal (hence the bandage in these photos) – making it necessary for a new eye to better fit her face as she gets older. Lynn recently received her new prosthetic, and is continuing life as a busy freshman at the University of Iowa.


It’s hard to imagine that more than a year ago Addison was fighting for her life. She was born at 31 weeks, spent 5 weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the University of Iowa, and then 4 weeks at the Genesis NICU. Today, this Davenport 13-month-old is a bubbly, happy baby and will be one of five children I’m photographing represented at the March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction on Oct. 14 at the QC Waterfront Convention Center. This annual gala fundraiser has an Around the World theme this year that includes new restaurant dishes, some stellar silent auction packages (including 4 photographic sessions from me), and unique entertainment. You can get tickets by contacting Deena Bradford at 563-323-6378 or

Image by Shuva Rahim

The Prisoner of Zenda

Over the past year, I’ve become friends with members of Rage Theatrics in Iowa City. This theatre troupe mixes drama, comedy and stage combat in their incredible productions. During the summer the touring part of the company – Shattock Schoole of Defence – performs at Renaissance festivals.

Now, the troupe is gearing up for its upcoming winter show this month, The Prisoner of Zenda, a story filled with fighting, dancing, romance and comedy. I had a chance to photograph a small part of one of their recent rehearsals at the Englert Theatre and get a glimpse of some of the characters in costumes.


The show promises to be a great event – (yes, I’m biased but selfishly right when it comes to theatre). So come and experience a fun, quality production at 8 p.m. on Jan. 23, 24, 30, 31 at 8 p.m., or the 2 p.m. matinee performances on Jan. 25 and Feb. 1. Tickets are $10. Check out the Iowa Theatre Blog for more information about this upcoming winter show.
A scene from The Prisoner of Zenda.
A fight scene from The Prisoner of Zenda

A fight scene from The Prisoner of Zenda

Iowa City Family Session

I had my first family session in recently in Iowa City, where I’ve been working from in the middle of the week and some weekends. My family was Cathy, a photographer in town, as well as her husband Christopher and two daughters, Zola (the oldest) and Corinna. Cathy wanted some photos where she wasn’t the one behind the camera. Understood:-)

I photographed the family at the University of Iowa’s new art building – a blue-green and rust structure with some jaggedness to it. The result was a mix of cute images attributed mostly to the adorable little girls. Here are a few of my favorites from their session.

Cathy with her girls

Cathy with her girls

Like the Russian dolls but cooler - Christopher, Cathy, Zola and Corinna

Like the Russian dolls but cooler - Christopher, Cathy, Zola and Corinna

Discovery in the grass...

Discovery in the grass...

Family photo

Family photo