The Gratitude Project

A couple days ago, a photographer friend from Calgary, Canada (Dana of Short and Sweet Photography) sent us an announcement about her Gratitude Project. Basically, for any of us who enjoy what we do for a living (especially photographers) it is not often when we get to do things for ourselves. As a photographer, I am always on the computer editing, or outside shooting, or developing my business. Rare are times when I get out and shoot just for me.  So Dana challenged us to just that. I broke a few rules, and didn’t shoot everything at once. So here’s just a few things in my life for which I am grateful:

Lifestyle images by

Lifestyle images by

Lifestyle images by

Lifestyle images by www.accentphotographics.comLifestyle images by

About accentphoto
Accent Photographics specializes in on-location baby, children and family photography, and special-event photography of weddings in eastern

11 Responses to The Gratitude Project

  1. Dana Pugh says:

    I love this!!! The best part of doing this challenge has been reading everyone else’s post. My gratitude cup is now overflowing…thank you!!!

  2. Great post Shuva and that tea sure sounds delicious. You might just have to prepare a little care package for me one day so I can sample your daily fix… mine is here if anyone fancies a peek

  3. Sara says:

    Hooray, I’m in your blog!!!! I’m so grateful for you and so proud of everything you’ve done in your life. Your courage and talent will always give me something to strive for. Love you! P.S. That’s totally one of my favorite pictures, too!

  4. How fun Shuva! And such a creative way to do the challenge. Mines on my blog for others to check out…

  5. Rachel says:

    Shuva! I love yours. I just love looking at all of the different takes people have taken with this project. So fun.
    Mine is up at

  6. Kathi Cook says:

    Love your gratitude post Shuva! I love it that we’re getting to see this lovely ‘inner-you’, or ‘inner-us’ through this ‘gratitude challenge’. I wish I was closer to you so I could take that photograph of you and Scott together. I say, let’s see more of his troupe on your blog, that sounds magical. Can’t wait to see what you have for us next month! Here’s mine, for anyone who would like a peek:

  7. rebecca says:

    Shuva I love these! I adore the first one. Travel is an all time favorite hobby of mine and little trinkets from each journey are so wonderful!! I’d love to share a cup of tea sometime!! 🙂

  8. gina says:

    love every single one of these. every single one is so special…

  9. Julie says:

    Really neat things. It’s been great to read and share in this way!! Neat presentation too 🙂

  10. Julie says:

    oops, I keep doing this- here is my list!

  11. Kim says:

    Love that there is a little history beside each photo.
    Breaking rules is a good thing, sometimes:)
    Here are mine

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