Classy Clunkers at Hooters Car Show

There were so many makes, models and designs, I didn’t know where to look first in the sea of 200+ cars on display in the parking lot by Hooters on Sunday. The Davenport restaurant was hosting its first ever Car Show for Kids – a fundraiser for the Children’s Therapy Center of the Quad Cities – and featuring the Quad Cities Cruisers.

It was my first car show, and I had fun taking photos of the cars as I did talking to their owners. Many put years of work (and money) into bringing an old car looking like it came straight out of the factory, some turning old bodies of metal into unique and classy vehicles.  There were conversations about siding, paint, engines, tires and anything else to make their cars look perfect, make it stand out, give it character.

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Most amazing to me was the amount of detail the cars showcased, both on the interior and exterior. Some of it was original, some of it not. Regardless, it eye-catching enough for me to stop and stare…

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Of course, the culmination of the event was a calendar shoot. The calendar photos are in the midst of being finalized by myself and the Children’s Therapy Center, which raised $5,000 alone from Sunday’s event. (Yay!). And by a tally of votes, 13 cars were chosen – one for each month and a Kids’ Choice which will be on the cover. The calender is due to come out later this fall. But here’s a sneak peek during the calendar shoot:

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About accentphoto
Accent Photographics specializes in on-location baby, children and family photography, and special-event photography of weddings in eastern

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